

ISP is a required program this year for any incoming international students utilizing a college-sponsored visa. 我们也欢迎持有美国护照的学生.S. 公民身份或美国.S. permanent residency who have grown up abroad and feel it would be a beneficial program to attend. 

澳门葡京博彩软件,我们将把重点放在了解国际社会上, 了解你的澳门葡京博彩软件资源作为一个国际学生, 介绍U.S. 社会概念/结构,并支持文化转型. 除了, students will have ample opportunity to meet with officials from Financial 援助, 卫生服务和其他办公室.


请注册ISP 请填写我们的在线表格.  注册时请使用您的Smith邮箱. 如果您遇到这个问题,请让我们知道.

2024 ISP时间表

我们还没有准备好分享今年的日程安排, but if you'd like to take a sneak peak of last year's schedule to get an idea of the program, 你可以!

我们很高兴能分享今年的 2023年计划 和你在一起! This document will give you an idea of the program we have in store for new students, 虽然一些细节可能会有所变化. We will do our best to update this as soon as possible if changes are needed, and each participant will receive a print copy of the full ISP schedule upon arrival to campus.

2024-25 ISP领导者

西奥·泽维尔·布鲁斯卡托25 |他们/他们



大家好,我是西奥. 我来自巴西的阿雷格里港,后来搬到了美国.S. at 16. 我是一名数量经济学专业的大四学生. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, I work in the Neilson library and serve as co-president for the Consulting Club. 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢在校园里骑自行车和练习泰拳. 我是一个归来的领导,迫不及待地欢迎你们所有的ISP!


Kyara Soto Villarreal ' 26 |他们/她


Astronomy major; Translation concentrator

Hi! 收集整理我叫凯拉,来自墨西哥城. 我学的是天文学,还打算学物理. 我也是一个专注于翻译的人! 我喜欢艺术和文学,尤其是El Boom拉丁裔美国人. I was a competitive archer for a long time and I am the co-president of the archery club here. ISP让我感觉很受欢迎, got to meet interesting people from all over the world and make meaningful connections. 很高兴见到大家!


Arisha Faiyas ' 26 |她/她/她的



欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我在孟加拉国生活了一辈子, 我无法想象在地球的另一边学习, 但是我们在这里. When I am not doing my homework in Ford (till some atrocious hour) you might come to see me as your math tutor! 我在澳门葡京博彩软件开始攀岩和跑步,这真的帮助我保持理智. 我从来没有一个星期感到无聊. 总有一个美丽的地方, 可爱的餐厅, 或在北安普顿及其周边地区探索改变生活的事件. 请问我到目前为止我发现了哪些地方! I hope you feel as enriched as I do here <3


Michelle Xu’27 |她/她



大家好! 我是Michelle Xu,来自中国上海. 我是一名大二的学生,打算主修化学. My biggest hobby is dancing, and I am member of the eboard of Smith Kpop dance crew. 我是像Seventeen这样的韩国流行乐队的超级粉丝. 希望能在校园里见到大家!




统计 & 数据科学专业

Hi! 我是Hodan,来自索马里兰. I am a rising sophomore majoring in statistical and data science and pursuing a pre-med track. 我很高兴能成为ISP的领导者,帮助新澳门葡京博彩软件有宾至如归的感觉. 作为一名国际学生, 我理解适应新环境的挑战, 我在这里支持你这段激动人心的旅程. I look forward to learning and growing together with each of you on this new adventure!


Nadya-Catherine Ismail ' 26 |任何代词



大家好!! 我是Nadya,一个即将升学的大三学生,主修数学和音乐双学位. 我来自日本东京,我有一半日本血统,一半巴基斯坦血统. 我经常在学校里和合唱团和室内乐歌手一起唱歌, 澳门葡京博彩软件的两个合唱团, 我希望今年能加入POCapella! 我也参与了管道胶带制作,一个学生音乐剧组织. The international community here at Smith is so vibrant and supportive and I can't wait for you all to be welcomed into it!


Chioma Opara ' 27 |她/她



你好! I'm originally from Eastern 尼日利亚, but I have lived in different cities over the years. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, I'm part of the Pan African 学生 Association (PASA) and the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Investment Club. 虽然我喜欢有趣的谈话和自发地在市中心散步, 没有什么比慵懒的周六下午躺在床上看小说更好的了. 我非常兴奋能见到所有即将到来的国际澳门葡京博彩软件!


定义Tekin’25 |她/她


World Literatures major; Art minor

Hi! 我是一名即将升入高年级的学生,来自伊斯坦布尔, 火鸡, 但我也在其他一些国家生活过. I attended UWC Maastricht in the Netherlands before coming to Smith (hello to all my fellow UWCers!我主修比较世界文学,辅修艺术. 课外活动es, I am involved in the theatre scene on campus and I write for 的Sophian澳门葡京博彩软件的独立学生报纸. 我期待在ISP期间认识大家! 




教育 & 儿童研究专业

大家好,我是凯特,我是一名即将升入大三的学生. I’m majoring in education and child study and considering a minor in psychology. 今年夏天, 我喜欢在学校做实习教师, 跟我奶奶学做饭, and biking in the 胡同 (hútòng)—traditional neighborhoods of Beijing—with my sister. 在秋天, 我很期待搬到四方院去, 在澳门葡京博彩软件K-pop舞蹈俱乐部和中国古典舞俱乐部任教, and organizing cultural celebrations as the co-president of the Chinese 学生 Association. 另外, 我很高兴能担任今年的ISP负责人, 在那里我希望能帮助你感受到欢迎和支持. 我想帮你顺利过渡到澳门葡京博彩软件那里! 请随时来找我谈任何事!


Muneera Alshagawi ' 25 |她/她


Engineering major; 体系结构 minor

大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我是来自沙特阿拉伯的一名即将升入高年级的学生, originally from the Eastern Province but now calling Riyadh home for the past 6 years. 在校园, you'll find me active in Al-Iman (Smith’s MSA) and helping out as a library assistant at Hillyer Art Library. 我是一个咖啡爱好者,喜欢徒步旅行. 甜面包)和在该地区骑自行车. 当我需要从校园生活中喘口气的时候, 你会经常在伍德斯塔找到我, 我在市中心常去的咖啡馆之一. 如果你需要什么咖啡推荐,联系我! 回想2021年的国际学生迎新会, 和有相似经历的人联系在一起真是让人放心. 这就是为什么我决定成为互联网服务提供商的领导者. 期待与大家见面! 


Melissa Wang’27 |她/她



大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我是Melissa,一名来自中国南京的国际学生. I’m a rising sophomore at Smith and am planning to major in government and possibly psychology or education. Being an international first-year can seem very overwhelming and I‘ve gone through some ups and downs the past year at Smith but personally, being involved in clubs and organizations such as the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Running Club, 澳门葡京博彩软件K-pop舞蹈团, 当然, the 国际学生 Organization has been my support system through the hardships. I met the most amazing individuals through ISP and these clubs and as an ISP leader this year, I want to help create a meaningful experience for you as they did for me so feel free to ask me anything!


Joanne Lee ' 27 |她/她



你好,国际澳门葡京博彩软件! I wholeheartedly welcome you into this warm, vibrant, and supportive community! My name is Joanne, and I am a South Korean student who calls Indonesia my home. 我小时候也住在蒙古的乌兰巴托. 我对研究发展中国家的经济政策很感兴趣, 因此我选择了政府和经济作为我的专业. 课外活动, I serve as the secretary of 国际学生 Organization (ISO) and 澳门葡京博彩软件 Pre-Law Club. My time here at Smith would not have been nearly the same without ISP and the international community! I want to give back the warmth and support I have received in my first year and contribute to making you feel comfortable and at home during and beyond the pre-orientation period. 我等不及要见到你们了! 请随时联系我! 我很想听听你的故事,了解你:)


Alice Bowen Tan ' 25 |她/她



你好! Salvēte! Χαίρετε! 你好! 欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我叫爱丽丝, 古典文学/英国文学即将升学的大四双学位(是的, 我把大部分时间都花在阅读拉丁语上, 古希腊, 然后是一些小说). Born and raised in Shenzhen, 中国, I first crossed the ocean to attend high school in the U.S.,最终把我带到了北安普顿. 我在校园里经历了各种各样的冒险,为……写作 的Sophian, 帮范布伦文物收藏编目, 辅导拉丁, and working as a Quigley Fellow for the college’s intersectional feminist journal 经络. 学术之外, 我最大的爱好包括在尼尔森图书馆吃下午蛋糕, 《我为喜剧狂》, 以及对预兆的错误解读. 关于最好的人文学科课程,我有无数的意见. 有什么问题尽管问我, including (but not limited to) how I accidentally threw a two-thousand-year-old Hellenistic coin down the Dewey stairs.


Nermine Mokdad ' 25 |她/她


体系结构 & Urbanism major; Landscape Studies minor; Collaborative Innovation concentrator

大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我是Nermine,来自突尼斯, and I’m a senior majoring in architecture and urbanism with a minor in landscape studies. I also have a concentration in collaborative innovation, which I’m really passionate about. 在澳门葡京博彩软件工作期间, I’ve been deeply involved in various activities that enrich our vibrant community. 今年, 我很高兴能成为ISP的领导者, 帮助你们开启澳门葡京博彩软件2028届毕业生的旅程. Beyond academics, I love diving into creative projects like DIY, crocheting, painting, and drawing. I also like running, content creation, and developing my financial literacy in my free time. A fun fact about me: I’ve lived in 5 different countries and speak 3 languages. These experiences have given me a unique perspective on life and a deep appreciation for diverse cultures. I can’t wait to help you navigate your start at Smith and make ISP 2024 an amazing experience for everyone. 如果有任何问题,请随时联系我,或者只是打个招呼. 期待我们一起度过不可思议的一年!






电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件: interstu@yongyan.net

办公时间: 安排会议 和凯特琳院长 或与 克莱尔·希利· 当你方便的时候!