
的 国际学生 and 澳门葡京博彩软件 Office serves the needs of all international faculty regularly employed at 澳门葡京博彩软件 and visiting faculty who are here for a semester or shorter under our 访问澳门葡京博彩软件 Program.

的 office will issue J-1 exchange visa applications as well as advise faculty on immigration issues, 不同签证类别下的旅游和就业. 的 office works closely with an immigration law firm 在北安普顿 to process work visas as well as initiate applications for permanent residency.

International faculty are encouraged to contact this office as soon as they have received a new appointment, 是来讲课还是来做研究. 为了加快进程, 您可以填写外国人信息表(FNIF)并将其通过电子邮件发送到 cszymkowicz@yongyan.net.

教师签证 & 澳门葡京博彩软件


目前在美国聘请外籍教师的院系, 或者有兴趣在临时签证之外延长教师任期, 应该向教务长办公室或国际学生办公室咨询 & 澳门葡京博彩软件决定该职位是否有资格申请H-1B签证. 对于教师和研究人员的长期任命,或终身教职员工, H-1B签证身份是最合适的. 更多的 information about qualifying campus positions and college assistance can be found on the 教务长和院长办公室 页面.

的 college provides a combination of grant and loan assistance to faculty members who are applying for H-1B visa status. 所有这类签证的申请和处理目前由 伦伯格, & 克鲁德移民法 在北安普顿.

澳门葡京博彩软件 is designated by the Department of State and USIA as a sponsor of the J-1交流访问者计划 to sponsor professors, 研究澳门葡京博彩软件, 短期澳门葡京博彩软件或学生.

欲了解更多关于接待或作为澳门葡京博彩软件旅行的信息,请访问 J-1签证交换计划.

For recent graduates of F-1 visa programs who are working in a capacity related to their academic course of study.

的 F-1 visa is the most common student visa used by international students at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. 学生 who study and complete their degree on an F-1 visa are often eligible to apply for a limited-term work authorization, 即选择性实习训练(OPT). Visiting scholars or faculty who have recently completed their PhD or another eligible degree program on an F-1 visa may already have the legal right to work in the U.S. 从事与其专业直接相关的工作. OPT的学生最多有一年的工作许可, although students in certain STEM fields may be eligible for an extension of up to 24 additional months. 

为了利用OPT在澳门葡京博彩软件工作, a candidate must be able to show their I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility) for their prior degree program, 并推荐OPT. In addition, they must have an 就业 Authorization Document (EAD) to confirm OPT approval.

For those with world-wide reputation of schoarly work and research; eligible to receive payment.

This particular type of visa is reserved for individuals who have a world-wide reputation of scholarly work and research. 的 O-1 visas are employer specific which means that in most cases they are employed by the 机构 which issues the O-1 visa much like the H-1b. 的y cannot be paid honoraria nor can they be reimbursed for expenses by another 机构 or employer. In some cases O-1 visas are issued to persons in the arts who are sponsored by an agent or agency through which they can act as independent contractors. 的y may engage in performances and other incidental work that relates to the main purpose of the O-1 visa, 因此才有资格获得报酬.


TN项目是美国与北美自由贸易协定的一部分, Canada and Mexico and it allows citizens of those countries to be admitted to the United States to engage in paid employment at a professional level in certain fields. TN签证可以无限期延长一年.

的 application procedure for TN status for Mexicans is similar to H-1b processing and classification and may take much longer.

的 procedures for Canadian citizens for initial TN visa application as well as extensions are done at the border/airport at the time of entry to the United States. TN签证持有人的配偶和未满21岁的未婚子女有资格申请TD身份, 但是,他们不允许从事任何工作.


b - 1签证 category is for visitors coming to the United States for short-term visits for business, and the B-2 是短期旅游吗. 签证通常以B-1/B-2的形式发给大多数申请人,有效期最长为90天. 在这一类别下没有有偿就业, although it may be possible to reimburse the visitor for travel expenses or pay an honorarium. This particular visa is appropriate for foreign faculty who are visiting 澳门葡京博彩软件 for several days but less than a total of nine days. 他们可能会参加研讨会,参加会议或做几次讲座.

更多关于B-1签证允许的活动的信息可以在这份文件中找到: 去美国出差.



在美国工作没有薪水或收入.S. 以公司/实体为基础,访问费用除外. 如果收到酬金, activities can last no longer than nine days at any single 机构 or organization; payment must be offered by an 机构 or organization described in INA 212(q); honorarium is for services conducted for the benefit of the 机构 or entity; and visa applicant will not have accepted such payment or expenses from more than five 机构s or organizations over the last six months.


独立研究,没有来自美国的薪水/收入.S. 基于资源,或对美国有利.S. 机构.

免签证计划 allow citizens of 27 countries to travel to the US without a visa, for business or tourist purposes. Please refer to the B-1/B-2 tab above for more details on allowable activities on the business/tourist visas.

截至1月20日, 2010, 根据免签证计划前往美国的教师, 现在必须申请在线授权吗. 请到 www.海关与边境保护局.gov /门 填写所需表格. You will not be able to board a flight to the United States unless you have completed an application and have been authorized to travel.


澳门葡京博彩软件位于北安普顿, 一个30人的热闹小镇,在马萨诸塞州西部的康涅狄格河谷,大约有5000人.

有关前往澳门葡京博彩软件和访问北安普顿的方向和信息,请参阅 拜访澳门葡京博彩软件 网站.


来自南方: 北安普顿位于马萨诸塞州的I-91公路上. 从I-91北走18号出口,左转到5号公路. 沿着5号公路进入市中心. 在5号公路和9号公路的交汇处,左转进入9号公路(主街)。. 直走,穿过四组红绿灯, 在第七局后不久左转进入澳门葡京博彩软件的正门(学院巷). 招生办公室在你的右边,俯瞰天堂池塘. 办公室旁边或9号公路沿线都有停车位.

来自北方: 从I-91南,走20号出口,然后沿着5号公路南进入市中心. 在5号公路和9号公路(主街)的交叉路口,右转进入9号公路. 然后按照上面的指示从9号公路到校园.

从东部或西部通过马萨诸塞州收费公路: 北安普顿位于I-91号公路北(马萨诸塞高速公路4号出口). 一旦上了I-91号州际公路,就按照上面为来自南方的游客提供的指示行驶.


如果你正在使用在线地图申请到招生办公室的方向, 地址是学院巷7号, 北安普顿, 麻萨诸塞州01063.


彼得潘,灰狗和佛蒙特州运输服务于该地区. 大多数路线都去斯普林菲尔德的公共汽车总站, 你在哪里可以换乘到北安普顿的车. 巴士几乎每小时一班往返于斯普林菲尔德和北安普顿之间. 从公共汽车站步行10分钟或乘出租车很短的路程就到澳门葡京博彩软件. 请致电413-586-1030查询巴士时刻表.


美国铁路公司的佛蒙特站在北安普顿. 从火车站到澳门葡京博彩软件坐出租车很短的路程. 欲了解更多信息,请访问美国铁路公司 网站 或拨打800-872-7245.


最近的机场是布拉德利国际机场. It is served by most major airlines and is located about 35 miles south of 北安普顿 near Hartford, 康涅狄格. Flying into Bradley rather than to Boston's Logan Airport gives you a shorter drive to 北安普顿 and spares you city traffic congestion.


Transportation to Smith from the Boston or Hartford airports is available from a number of services. 可能需要提前预订.

This listing of area taxi and transportation services does not imply an endorsement by 澳门葡京博彩软件 of any of these businesses.





电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件: interstu@yongyan.net

办公时间: 安排会议 和凯特琳院长 或与 克莱尔·希利· 当你方便的时候!